
Why physiotherapy is important after joint replacement surgery ?

  • By Admin
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  • 2023-11-14 11:09:35

Joint replacement surgery is usually undergone by patients when they find no improvement in their condition even after medications or change in their activities. The procedure involves replacing a damaged or diseased part of your knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, ankle, or wrist with a prosthetic joint. After the procedure is successfully completed, doctors recommend physiotherapy since it is essential for your complete recovery and return to activity. If you have recently received a joint replacement surgery, visit the Best Joint Replacement doctor in Mumbai to learn more about physiotherapy and its benefits.


Benefits of physiotherapy after joint replacement

You may need physiotherapy for a couple of weeks to restore normal joint motion and regain your strength. Let us look at what benefits you will derive from physiotherapy after joint replacement surgery.


1.It will build the strength of the muscles around your joint

2.It helps you regain your joint’s normal movements

3.It can improve pain and swelling

4.It improves your circulation and prevents conditions like deep vein thrombosis


If you have just had a joint replacement surgery, consult the Top Orthopedic Doctor in Mumbai to know how you can benefit from physiotherapy. You can either ask the therapist to visit your home or go to his clinic for rehab, where he will guide about physiotherapy exercises.


What happens if you do not get physiotherapy after joint replacement

Physiotherapy after surgery involves strengthening exercises, movement training, and posture correction to improve the mobility and strength of your new joint.

These are the negative effects if you do not get physiotherapy:

1.You can add strain to your joints due to improper movement

2.Your muscle and soft tissue may deteriorate if they are unused and if they remain swollen

3.Your range of motion may become lesser than before

4.You may not get the full benefit out of your joint replacement surgery

Mostly your doctor will begin physical rehabilitation immediately after surgery to help you recover quickly. You will receive therapy right after your operation which is to be continued at home after your discharge. To clear all your doubts, pay a visit to the Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Mumbai, who will answer all your queries on physical therapy.


Physiotherapy after your operation

For patients who have just had surgery and are at the hospital, the doctors will start some kind of physical therapy soon. Depending on your pain level, the doctor may ask you to start activities even on the first day after your operation. Someone will help you walk a few steps, and you may also be guided to tense and relax your muscles. They may provide a walker or crutches to help you walk around.


Physiotherapy at your home

The therapist will start you on strengthening exercises and increase them gradually as your endurance builds. Your doctor will advise how long you need to exercise, such as 20 to 30 minutes and how many times you need to repeat in a day.

Physiotherapy is essential for recovery after joint replacement surgery, and you should never skip it if you want to regain optimum fitness levels. Get an appointment at Raheja Hospital, the Best Joint Replacement Hospital in Mumbai, where the skilled orthopaedic surgeons will assess your condition perfectly. The hospital, with its modern, advanced equipment and expert surgeons, have the highest success rates for joint replacements. Post-surgery, they will arrange a physiotherapist to speed up your recovery process and get you back to normal life.